Tyre stairways & balance challenges


The first significant construction job in Imaginature was building the tyre stairways and  balance challenges in 2015. To address the erosion of the embankment into the old junior playground,  tyres  were used to create two stairways. At an all-school busy bee, the tyres for the first stairway were bolted together, filled with soil and topped with cracker dust.

The gardening committee later constructed the second tyre stairway and planted out the embankment to stabilise it. To create interesting and challenging pathways into the playground, balance challenges were constructed from sleepers, logs and steppers.

Salvaged materials used:

  • second hand tyres donated by a BPS parent
  • sleepers donated by a BPS parent
  • logs and steppers donated by the City of Bayswater.


Next Imaginature project: the creek
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